Workshops & Courses


Emotional Wellbeing Self Care Survival Toolkit

We live in stressful times. Whether you are a frontline worker who is in contact on a regular basis with the distress of others, or simply doing your best to get by day to day under stressful conditions, we are all facing challenges to our emotional wellbeing.

This workshop shows you what you need to know to protect yourself from emotional overload. You will learn the main sources of emotional distress, and have a toolkit of five tried and trusted methods to:

  • Recognise the triggers that can derail us

  • Calm the ‘fight or flight’ response of the mind

  • Call on our own innate emotional resources

  • Take a step back in order to get a broader perspective

  • Learn new methods of responding to stress that allow you to have ‘spare capacity’ to deal with the situation at hand

 A 1.5 hour virtual session



Meeting emotional needs in practice

Just as we have a set of physical needs (food, shelter, breathable air etc), we also have a number of innate psychological or emotional needs that are common to all of us. Meeting our needs in a balanced way is the key to achieving mental wellbeing.

This course aims to provide a practical framework to check in with where your organisation or group are in terms of your psychological coordinates, and a roadmap for how to manage your emotional needs (or those of a team) in a healthy balanced way.

 Course content includes:

  • An Emotional Needs Audit - a mental wellbeing check-in tool

  • An explanation of our underlying human psychological needs

  • Identifying what happens when our needs become threatened

  • An exploration of our innate and learned resources that can help us to get our needs met

  • Managing our negative emotion (including a guided exercise)

 2 x 1.5 hour, or 1 x 3 hour virtual session (s)



Communication skills to improve Emotional Intelligence

Language is at the heart of what makes us human. Far more than a way of passing on information, language is the way that we construct and share meaning with each other. It is the key building block of the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of our world. 

How we express ourselves, and above all our capacity to listen can have a huge impact on the people around us, and good communication is a great skill to help us build bonds of trust and empathy.

This workshop is not about being ‘good with words’ or a skilled orator; on the contrary, the session aims to help everyone to develop their skills of listening and language to improve everyday relationships - whether at home or in a professional setting. The course includes:

  • Why communication skills play a big part in emotional intelligence

  • Reflective listening and how to use it

  • The language of embedded suggestion

  • Identifying the unhelpful language, we use with ourselves

  • Simple guided exercises

2 hour, virtual session